
Sunday, 30 October 2011


‘A man who does not plan ahead will find trouble at his door.’   Confucius.
   The hope and aspiration of every rational being is to be great in life and gets to the zenith of his/her professional and academic career. The hope seems clearer and easier when you graduate from institution of higher learning with an academic qualification that has a clear place in the committee of certificates especially from a country that places more emphasis on academic certificates rather than intellectual and practical skills.
   Here comes the council month, the month you will find yourself box-down in the examination hall writing the exam that will determine your progress into a full fledge professional as a REGISTERED NURSE but after that, WHAT NEXT?  As simple as this question is, the answer doesn’t follow suite believe me. Many nurses have become stagnated and could not make meaningful progress in this noble profession partly because they have not yet sat down to ask themselves this simple question and thoroughly find a suitable answer to it. No wonder Basil S. Walsh said; ‘if you don’t know where you are going, how can you expect to get there?’
   It’s important for you professional colleague in making to sit down and plan your career. Set professional goals for yourself, divide them into short time, medium time and long time goals. Work towards your dream, seek knowledge and information that will guide you through in making the right choices and decisions. Move with people of like and great minds so as to avoid making costly mistakes that will prevent you from achieving your goals. Stick to your dreams like a postage stamp sticks to an envelope. No matter the challenges, don’t give up too easily as discouragement abound on your way.
 NB: This is the first part of series to come, subscribe to the blog for prompt update.

 My aim is to get to the highest attainable top ladder in life. I intend to guide as many people as possible to the top through making information needed for making the right decisions available and accessible to people. Your comments, inquiries and suggestions are welcome via:
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